Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Kucinich saw a UFO

According to the Source of All Universal Truth, Shirley MacLaine, presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO while he was at her house. Apparently, it looked him over for a few minutes and then left. Probably because the aliens were looking for their friend Shirley and were confused by the guy they found instead. I'm still waiting for the aliens to take me on board for a couple of days because I could make them some great Earth food and maybe then they wouldn't vaporize us.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rudy's ready for alien attack

So I was playing on the internet, as I often do, and found this interesting article on the readiness of at least one of our presidential candidates to handle an attack from extraterrestrials. I'd be interested to find out what his specific plans are and how well prepared the other candidates would be against an alien invasion force. And I don't think I'm alone in this, right?

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The US government is developing tiny spies to keep tabs on people who voice their opinions. According to the Washington Post, several people at recent antiwar rallies have seen these little "bugs" keeping tabs on them.

This occurrence reminds me of that X-Files episode where metal cockroaches were found in connection with mysterious deaths. Could the FBI be keeping track of dissenters? Are aliens studying us? Or were they just huge dragonflies, uncharacteristically flying in formation? I'll leave that up to you.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Pass the Soma

In many of the dystopian societies in literature and film, the government controls dissidents with fear and in some cases, medication. Who can forget the horrifying inevitable ending of 1984, where Winston becomes re-educated and ends up loving Big Brother. It looks like the US government wants to be Big Brother. I better stop there, in case they come after me too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

World Hive Brain

Yes, I know that the title phrase comes from Dharma & Greg, but it's so frighteningly applicable to what's going on in world politics. We learned about Darth Cheney from Senator Hillary Clinton, but Right Wing News had an article on Darth Putin as well. Could this mean that they are really the same person, bent on ruling the entire world with the iron fist that Stalin only dreamed about as he erected monuments to himself?

Or is there a more sinister force at work here?

'More sinister than Cheney and Putin?', you are doubtless asking yourself.

Yes. A number of world leaders are being controlled by the same alien mind, which is trying to take control of the Earth's population by getting us too wrapped up in fighting each other that we never see the robot uprising coming, controlled from their space station.

This evil entity, whom we have discovered is known as Havgurn, has a telepathic connection with world leaders on several continents. As we don't know whether Havgurn is male or female or some other gender, for ease of communication, we will call Havgurn a him. He enjoys watching water polo, cruising MySpace, and the idea of eating Mexican food. He hasn't had any yet, to preserve the ignorance of the world's population as to his existence, but after he overthrows the world, it's high on his list of earthly experiences to indulge in. Until then, he spends his time inciting conflicts and genocides all over the world.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Now what?

I read this blog post and thought it was an interesting read. Do you think he's telling the truth about it, or did aliens brainwash him to hide the fact that they were really the ones responsible?